Gujarati Symbols Copy and Paste ઁ ં ઃ અ આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ ઋ
You can combine Gujarati letter symbols with other aesthetic alphabets to create cool lenny face or profile name for social apps and online games. This page offers Gujarati symbol text …
Gujarati Symbols Copy and Paste ઁ ં ઃ અ આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ ઋ
Copy and paste gujarati symbols ઁ ં ઃ અ આ ઇ ઈ ઉ ઊ ઋ ઍ એ ઐ ઑ ઓ ઔ ક ખ ગ ઘ to any text editor or chat app
શ Gujarati Letter Sha U+0AB6 - i2Symbol
Download Image | Gujarati Letter Sha Symbol. Download the Gujarati Letter Sha symbol as PNG images at different sizes so you can use in your website or art project.
ૐ Gujarati Om Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face U+0AD0
How to Write the Gujarati Om Symbol ૐ on Keyboard? To write the Gujarati Om symbol ૐ on keyboard using ALT codes; ALT+2768 , just hold down the ALT key while typing the alt key …
૫ Gujarati Digit Five Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face U+0AEB
How to Write the Gujarati Digit Five Symbol ૫ on Keyboard? To write the Gujarati Digit Five symbol ૫ on keyboard using ALT codes; ALT+2795, just hold down the ALT key while typing …
૯ Gujarati Digit Nine Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face U+0AEF
Download Image | Gujarati Digit Nine Symbol. Download the Gujarati Digit Nine symbol as PNG images at different sizes so you can use in your website or art project.
ો Gujarati Vowel Sign O Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face U+0ACB
To write the Gujarati Vowel Sign O symbol ો on keyboard using ALT codes; ALT+2763, just hold down the ALT key while typing the alt key code 2763. You have to use the numeric keypad of …
ે Gujarati Vowel Sign E Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face
To write the Gujarati Vowel Sign E symbol ે on keyboard using ALT codes; ALT+2759, just hold down the ALT key while typing the alt key code 2759. You have to use the numeric keypad of …
ૌ Gujarati Vowel Sign Au Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face
Download Image | Gujarati Vowel Sign Au Symbol. Download the Gujarati Vowel Sign Au symbol as PNG images at different sizes so you can use in your website or art project.
િ Gujarati Vowel Sign I Symbol Gujarati Symbol Smiley Face
To write the Gujarati Vowel Sign I symbol િ on keyboard using ALT codes; ALT+2751, just hold down the ALT key while typing the alt key code 2751. You have to use the numeric keypad of …