Actor Jason Gedrick is 47 Today - the Data Lounge
Feb 7, 2012 · Jason guest starred on Grimm last night. He played a convict on death row about to be executed. Grimm & buddy investigated and Jason did see Wesen and killed one of them in self defense. Grimm & buddy got Jason off just in the nick of …
Fellow Travelers will premiere October 27 - the Data Lounge
Aug 17, 2023 · The problem I have with the clip is that the Bailey part is so transparently written for a younger actor (the character in the book was 21 or 22) and it looks ridiculous coming from 35 year old Bailey who is not a “boy” by any means. When the project was announced I thought it was obvious the role would go to Froy (24 then).
Which stars of Hollywood's Golden Age were genuinely …
Mar 29, 2021 · Supposedly Babs early in her career said after Jason was born that she didn't want her gay friends near him because she didn't want him to turn gay. A different time as we are always saying. Lilian Burns in one of her interviews on you tube said Van was a very wonderful person until his popularity started waning whereby he became rather unpleasant.