Most Odonata larvae are sit-and-wait predators, which means they remain motionless until an insect or small fish approaches the larva. When a prey item comes close, the larva rapidly …
Odonata - Wikipedia
All odonates have aquatic larvae called naiads or nymphs, and all of them, larvae and adults, are carnivorous and are almost entirely insectivorous, although at the larval stage they will eat …
Odonata | Dragonflies & Damselflies, Aquatic Insects | Britannica
Odonate larvae are preyed upon mainly by fish but also by frogs, birds, crayfish, and each other. Both larvae and adults are sometimes parasitized by flukes, tapeworms, and mites; minute …
Order Odonata - Macroinvertebrates.org
Adults and are engulfing predators, feeding mainly on small invertebrates. Larvae capture their prey by either stealth or by ambush, snatching them with their labial mask, an arm-like …
Odonate predatory behavior is to either conceal themselves under mud and leaves, sprawled out under sediment, or clinging to aquatic vegetation as they lie in wait for some unsuspecting …
Odonata - Wings, Flight, Eyesight | Britannica
Jan 2, 2025 · A larva captures prey in a very unusual way. Typically, it remains motionless until a victim is detected by sight or touch. When prey comes within range, the larva shoots out its …
Odonata: Who They Are and What They Have Done for Us Lately ...
Feb 28, 2019 · Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) are well-known but often poorly understood insects. Their phylogeny and classification have proved difficult to understand but, through use …
ODONATA: Characterisations and their Ecosystem Services
Jul 22, 2024 · Odonate larvae, including both dragonflies and damselflies, exhibit adaptations that enable them to thrive in aquatic habitats with varying substrate types, ranging from firm to soft. …
About Odonates | Society for Odonate Studies
Odonates are amphibiotic; having an aquatic larval form and a terrestrial adult form. The adults are most often seen near bodies of water where they breed. They are carnivorous throughout …
Odonata, dragonflies have three life stages: egg, larva (or nymph), and adult. Eggs are deposited by the female into moist substrate, plant tissue, or onto the water surface. The larva ranges in …