A Guide to Converting PSX Homebrew to PSP Eboot : r/PSP - Reddit
Apr 13, 2020 · While PSX homebrew is technically compatible with the PSP's native PSX emulation feature, much of it remains woefully inaccessible to the PSP community. This is due, in large part, to issues that arise when using PSX2PSP to attempt conversion of homebrew disc images to PSP eboots.
PSX Game to PSP : r/PSP - Reddit
Jul 7, 2022 · Download PSX2PSP (Converts your Game into a Bootable version for PSP EBOOT.PBP) Import game into PSX2PSP and fill in the info. (You can customize game images and music etc if you desire or you can search for a custom boot pack.)
Tutorial: Converting Saves from PSX to PSP and back to PSX : r/psx …
Jul 6, 2021 · A modded PSP with your PS1 title converted to eboot with the correct title ID A USB drive formatted to FAT32 These tools. Converting from PSX to PSP: Pop your PSX memory card and a USB drive into your modded PS2 and launch uLaunchELF Navigate to your PSX memory card (will be listed as mc0 or mc1 depending on if it's in slot 1 or 2 respectively).
How to play PS1 games on PSP : r/Roms - Reddit
Feb 1, 2021 · TL:DW Version: grab PSX2PSP convert the game to EBOOT.PBP place the folder that it spits out with the EBOOT.PBP inside your GAME folder on the PSP and that's it! If you want to customize stuff just mess around with PSX2PSP. EDIT: I haven't watched the video, I just thought this was already widely know by most 'cause I've been doing it for years.
Can you play PS1 games on the PSP? : r/PSP - Reddit
Mar 22, 2023 · It's been years since I've actually used my PSP but from what I remember it basically simulates the original PS1 controller without sticks. And by default the PSP joystick nub left and right function as L2 and R2. It actually works fine for most games since very few games actually required the dualshock to play.
Breath of Fire III: PSP vs PS1 : r/breathoffire - Reddit
Jul 21, 2021 · PPSSPP rocks. I bought the psp game for 3$ online and am currently emulating it. Its unusual, they changed some art due to copyright like balio and sunder, but i think the psp is superior, because of the "better" fishing Mode.
"Why do you call the PlayStation PSX?" - Reddit
Dec 20, 2014 · From Wikipedia on the etymology of PSX: [13] PS-X was an internal code name for the PlayStation during development.[12] The popular use of the "PSX" abbreviation outside Sony became a source of confusion when Sony Corp. ignored SCEA's decision and introduced its PSX digital video recorder in 2003 [12] "The Making Of: PlayStation". Edge.
PSX2PSP v.1.4.2 "Cannot open base.PBP" - Reddit
Mar 14, 2021 · The PSPHacks community is an unofficial sister subreddit of r/3DSHacks aimed at reviving the popular portable handheld console that rocked worldwide gaming communities.
Persona 2 IS PSX vs PSP ver. : r/JRPG - Reddit
May 8, 2017 · Innocent Sin is an easy game no matter the platform. But for some reason Atlus decided it needed a nerf in difficulty across the board for the PSP version. Even the hard mode in PSP is way easier than the original PSX version. And I'll reiterate--this wasn't a hard game, it has maybe three or four real trouble fights ala Chrono Cross.
PSX2PSP stuck at somewhere between 93-100% done. Help please.
Aug 24, 2022 · You need at least 1 for compression. (I always do 9.) 0 compression breaks Many ps1 games on higher firmwares. Pretty sure higher compression only negatively impacts some compressed PSP *.CSO games Psx2psp often appears to get stuck at 98-100% when it's actually finished. Try playing the game even if it does that