Save the Elephants - Securing a future for elephants and …
Leaders in elephant science, Save the Elephants provides cutting-edge scientific insights into elephant behavior, intelligence, and long-distance movement and applies them to the long …
Our Work - Save the Elephants
Save the Elephants works to secure a future for elephants. Specialising in elephant research, they provide scientific insights into elephant behaviour, intelligence, and long-distance movements …
The Importance of Elephants - Save the Elephants
Elephants are among the most intelligent of the creatures with whom we share the planet, with complex consciousnesses that are capable of strong emotions. Across Africa they have …
You Need to Know What’s Being Done to Save African Elephants
Based on our assessment, the IUCN has changed its listing from “vulnerable” for all African elephants to “endangered” for savanna elephants and “critically endangered” for forest elephants.
About Elephants - Save the Elephants
Savanna elephants are larger animals that roam the plains of sub-Saharan Africa, while forest elephants are smaller animals that live in the forests of Central and West Africa. The …
A Life Among Elephants - Save the Elephants
His legacy lives on through Save the Elephants, the NGO he founded in 1993, dedicated to securing a future for elephants and fostering coexistence between humans and wildlife. Now, …
Elephants and Bees - Save the Elephants
The Elephants and Bees Project is an innovative study using an in-depth understanding of elephant behaviour to reduce damage from crop-raiding elephants using their instinctive …
Impact - Save the Elephants
Save the Elephant’s priority is to promote connectivity between the vital parts of elephant range as much-needed development expands, and to find ways to mitigate conflict between elephants …
Human-Elephant Coexistence (HEC) Toolbox - Save the Elephants
Along with our Beehive fence manual, we are building into the toolbox lists of non-palatable crops to plant like chillies and cotton as shields for the ones elephants do like to eat, how to dig …
About Save the Elephants
Save the Elephants works to secure a future for elephants. Specialising in elephant research, we provide scientific insights into elephant behaviour, intelligence, and long-distance movements …