virus - Can a SIM card propagate malware? - Information Security …
Apr 26, 2016 · A virus with the capabilities to infect a wide variety of phones would by far exceed the storage space of any SIM card ever manufactured with good intentions. SIM card …
Real life examples of malware propagated by SIM cards?
Dec 7, 2020 · A virus on the sim will imply that you will need code multi platform virus, because if you have a Samsung, for example that is ,ARM architecture and linux operating system, your …
Can virus save to SIM Card? - Information Security Stack Exchange
An attacker can install an applet on your card (it probably won't happen because it really difficult to find those vulnerabilities). After the installation, the SIM card can transfer data to phone or …
If my Android phone has a virus, can I change its SIM into a new …
Aug 29, 2017 · It is technically possible the virus is able to exploit a vulnerability in how android handles the SIM. If this is the case it could be transmitted via the SIM card storage. There is a …
If my old device is infected, can my new device get viruses from …
May 8, 2024 · Barring an incredible vulnerability on the part of the social network's mobile apps, there's no way for a malware infection to somehow "spread" or "transfer" to a social media …
What equipment would an attacker need to infect a SIM card?
Jan 3, 2022 · I'm aware that SIM cards can store malware according to this question but what equipment would be needed to do such an attack? For example, would you need a Computer …
phone - Does replacing the SIM card mitigate any threats after a ...
Jan 4, 2021 · Replacing a SIM card in your case does make sense (I'd even go as far as to say that, given your description of the breach, voluntarily invalidating and replacing all the affected …
How to detect a virus in a network card?
Jun 6, 2012 · Network Card Firmware; In Memory; Having something existing in memory would be unlikely as cost vs effort would be high for an attacker. A reboot would clear the virus and …
Is it safe returning or giving away a sim card you already used?
Oct 10, 2015 · The SIM card is serialised and you are tied to it for the life of the card. If the SIM card is ever used for malicious intent (or at least something the powers at be might deem …
smartphone - Is it possible to track a SIM card even if the cell …
Mar 14, 2018 · A SIM card only provides the device with a unique identifier and related information. It does not have any in-built wireless capabilities. In order for a mobile device to …