How to create a wire-frame 3D cube in a-frame? - Stack Overflow
May 6, 2017 · Here's an example component, using the wireframe option: AFRAME.registerComponent('wireframe', { dependencies: ['material'], init: function { this.el.components.material.material.wireframe = true; } });
Wireframe Cube (WebGL ThreeJS) - CodePen
For those of you delving into 3D for the first time, here is a simple primer for showing you how to make use of WebGL via ThreeJS (thanks to the author...
How do you render primitives as wireframes in OpenGL?
Sep 26, 2008 · You can render primitives as wireframe by changing that mode. You have several options for render mode in OpenGL draw calls, GL_LINES GL_TRIANGLES GL_POINTS ... So basically you can pass GL_LINES as the mode in your draw call for rendering primitives as wireframe. glDraw...(GL_LINES, ...);
pygame Code Repository
Description: 3-D Wireframe graphics example. Mr. Niemeyer uses a draw_3dline function to render a 3-d wireframe object without 3-d hardware or opengl. The result is reminiscent of the graphics of the earliest Elite games. A cube is rendered, then spun about its origin. Download: 2dcube.tar.gz, 2dcube.zip. pygame version required: 0.9 or later
HTML5 3D Wireframe Cube using DOM Elements
An example of using svg polygon elements and modulating their attributes to generate a 3-dimensional cube on the DOM without using a canvas.
GitHub - SaadARazzaq/Cube-3D: A simple 3D Cube Wireframe …
This project demonstrates a simple 3D cube with a wireframe overlay using the THREE.js library. It allows you to interactively view and zoom the cube using mouse controls. The background features a space-like texture to create an immersive environment. 🌌
Rotating Cube - Invent with Python
Although the block text characters we’ll use to draw the cube don’t look like thin, straight lines, this kind of drawing is called a wireframe model because it renders only the edges of an object’s surfaces. Figure 62-1 shows the wireframe model for a cube and an icosphere, a rough sphere made of triangles.
Scripting API: Gizmos.DrawWireCube - Unity
Draw a wireframe box with center and size. void OnDrawGizmosSelected() // Draw a yellow cube at the transform position. Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawWireCube (transform.position, new Vector3 (1, 1, 1));
How to make a wireframe cube in Blender - cgian.com
Mar 9, 2025 · In Blender, we can use wireframe modifier to make any object to wireframe. In this tutorial, we will show how to make a cube wireframe. And also, we will show how to view in wireframe mode before applying wireframe modifier.
wpf - Creating a wire-frame 3D cube - Stack Overflow
Jun 12, 2012 · This is a version of the 'screen space lines' that allow you to draw wireframes like your example. I highly recommend the Helix 3D Toolkit if you are doing any WPF 3D work.